Thursday, 12 April 2012

The Most Common Effects of Divorce on Children

Children and Divorce

The word divorce itself is a enough to scare the living day light of any person. And if a child has to go through this, then imagine the kind of stress a child can feel. This can lead to serious psychiatric disorders that will affect the child's mind in long run. It has been proved that children with divorced family get more unstable towards relations and are scared of getting into a relationship or marriage. The unbearable agony of staying away from one parent, often the father will give a long lasting impact on the budding child's mind.

Many children get adjusted to divorce but for some it takes really a long time to accept the truth and start living the reality. The fear of being lonely and unwanted is enough for a child to freak out. With the increasing percentage of divorce, there is also a steep growth in the number of cases of children suffering from emotional disturbance and nervous breakdown caused by divorce.

Before filling the divorce papers, think about your child for one second and imagine the pain and the agony the child has to go through with this divorce. You can save your child from going through the most painful period of their life that can make or break a child. You can save your child from the various psychological and behavioral problems. Using authoritative style of parenting will minimize the negative effects of divorce on children.

Facts about children & divorce is that combination which being tricky, demands utmost attraction from the separating parties and if not given can lead to disastrous effects. Parents need to assure the children that everything will be alright and assure them that the divorce is happening not because of them. This will help the child in not developing the feeling of loneliness and unwanted.

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